Wednesday, August 22, 2012


The day has come; I registered for my senior year! Where has the time gone?! I feel like just yesterday I was registering for my freshman year! I have seen many senior classes pass through, but none that have really stuck out to me. I want to be the change! I want 2013 to be a class to remember. I want to reach my school, I want people to look back on my senior class and people to say, "wow, that will be a hard class to replace." What would someone have to do to make that kind of impression? I feel like so often senior year is all about the seniors. What about the seniors reaching out to the younger grades. Prepare them for their upcoming responsibilies. What of we were a class that reached out instead of being a class that is all about us? How big of an impact would that make? If we prepared the upcoming grades & then the tradition would continue. One class, 2013, could change our schools! It's time for us to step up, are you ready?
