Sunday, May 27, 2012


I have recently started to fade out of the hollister, aeropostale, limited too, and clother everyone else wears stage and into the stage where I am trying to create my own style.  Not hipter persay but, something a little different from the crowd. I cannot explain the kind of fashion and clothes that I like so let me show you some pictures.

High waisted shorts. These are adorable, I have yet to find a pair that I like but continue to hunt.

Crop tops. These are super cute if you can pull them off.  Also if you don't feel like showing the tummy you can wear a tank top under it.  

Yellow sparkly sperrys. This combines my two favorite things: sparkles and yellow. I love the color yellow because it is so bright and happy! I wear jeans and plain shirts and enjoy sprucing it up with a splash of color from random accesories.

White sun dress. So this is something absolutely perfect for summer.  You can wear it to the beach or to graduation parties, or literally anything else.  Perfect for summer.
Jean jacket. This is something I have been actively looking for. I think they are so cute to add on to skirts or dresses.  Perfect for summer because they are cute but light weight.

These are just some of the cutest summer fashions.  Feel free to steal some of them and make them your own.

Wednesday, May 23, 2012


boys boys boys.

We all know the Lady Gaga song, boys boys boys.  If you don't it goes a little something like this..

"boys, boys, boys, we like boys in cars
boys, boys, boys, buy us drinks in bars
boys, boys, boys with hairspray and denim
boy, boys, boys we love them, we love them."

I don't know about you but this song breaks my heart.  Boys now a days are used and thrown away.  Boys get in trouble for abusing women but what about the other way around?  And don't get me wrong, the male generation is not BY ANY STRETCH anywhere close to perfect.  I mean you have heard rap and how that portrays women.  I won't quote that because it makes me sick.  But back to boy abuse.  Women now a days treat men like an accesory.  What happened to dating one guy and being loyal!? Why can't girls talk to one guy at a time? Then we have the girls who lead guys on just to break their hearts.  I don't understand why guys are not respected.  

GIRLS, when a guy holds the door for you just walk through, don't grab it from him.  He is not doubting your ability to hold a door, it is just a nice gesture to show he respects you; accept it.  We want chivalrous men, and when you turn them away it makes them feel awkward and not want to do it again.  Please, just let him pay, hold the door for you, and compliment you just accept it.  Don't ruin it for other girls!    


My name is Kirsten.  I am a Junior in High School! I am here to give you a glimpse into my life.  So let's get started..

I am one of four kids.  I have two sisters and a brother. One sister is biological, and my other sister and brother are adopted from China.  My family is my support system, we are very close.  I enjoy cross country, track, and skiing.  My church is my life, all my best friends are there.  I am hopelessly addicted to twitter, facebook, tumblr, and pinterest.  I love One Direction. I know, typical teenage girl.  And while I'm at it, I also love the color pinnk, shopping, taking pictures, and being girly.  I am as girly as they come.  I am a {sometimes dumb} blonde.  I am very sassy.  And if you haven't noticed yet I am VERY ADHD. I hate math and science.  I am very extroverted and love being around people.  I am told I am too nice, which is a compliment to me.  I also am told that I look like a barbie. I get asked if I was named after the American Girl Doll, Kirsten, no.  I also get asked if I have her, yes I do. I am very bubbly, outgoing, and energetic.  

This is just a start.  You will get to know me as you follow my blog. 
