Saturday, January 5, 2013


As seniors I know many of us feel as though we need to be leaders. What some people don't realize is there is good leadership and bad leadership.  When you look up the definition of leadership one of the synonyms is dictator. You must understand, Hitler was a leader. A good one? Not necesarily.  Trying to be leaders is great and stepping up as seniors is what we are called to do but this can be appraoched in the wrong way. Don't expect people to just "13ow down." You must approach the task with humility. You are no better than anyone. 

I encourage any fellow seniors to step up in the new year. Reach out, lead, be an example, be daring, and have fun. Make the most of these next few months before we all head off in our seperate ways. Reach out to the underclassmen, help them discover how to be a leader, be an example of a good leader and others will follow, be daring! you are young embrace it, and have fun! live it up, it's your senior year.